The Problem

The safety of teenagers and children online has become a growing concern in today’s digital age. With the widespread use of social media, online gaming platforms and messaging apps and websites, teenagers are increasingly exposed to various online risks. These include cyberbullying, exposure to inappropriate or explicit content, identity theft, and online predators. Many teenagers lack the knowledge and the skills needed to navigate the digital world safely, leaving them vulnerable to potential harm and exploitation.

Almost 70% of all children have been exposed to cyber risks in the past year.


In order to gain an understanding of what students are currently learning in schools about online safety, I conducted a survey tailored towards teenagers, those just out of secondary school, and teachers. I gained varied responses, many of which gave valuable insights on recent cyberbullying incidents they had witnessed or been a part of.

Overall, the survey provided a good basis for which I could map out what areas of internet safety need to be educated on more, and the most effective ways in which teenagers learn.

Link to Cyber-Education Survey: Click Here

The Solution

Mobile Application

SafetyNet is a digital solution to digital problems.

The mobile application offers a comprehensive and educational solution to address the safety challenges faced by teens online. SafetyNet provides teenagers with access to valuable and trusted resources, interactive lessons and practical tips to learn more about their online safety, cybersecurity and digital literacy. The app’s friendly and engaging UI and content makes it suitable and enjoyable for teenagers to acquire essential knowledge and skills in order to protect themselves online, and to navigate the digital world with ease.

Browser Extension

In addition to an educational app, SafetyNet offers a web browser extension which is designed to enhance users’ online security and privacy in real time while browsing the web. The extension provides protection against malicious websites, phishing scams, and intrusive advertisements, helping users stay safe from potentially harmful online threats. With fully customisable content filtering settings, the extension empowers users to control their own online experience and learn to safeguard their personal information.

Card Game

Lastly, SafetyNet includes an interactive card game which acts as an engaging learning tool to reinforce online safety principles and cybersecurity best practices amongst teenagers. The card game features case study scenarios and challenges, which players must discuss with each other on how to respond effectively to the cyber threats. By playing the card game, teenagers are encouraged to learn valuable skills and educate themselves on common online risks, while also maintaining a fun and engaging environment.